The Adivasi society of South Gujarat has felt the need of uniting themselves by forming an organisation called ADVASI SARVANGI VIKAS SANGH (Association for Integrated Tribal Development). This association is made up of People’s Organisations at work in the predominantly tribal villages of seven Talukas of Surat District (Nizar, Ucchal, Songadh, Vyara, Mandvi, Mangrol and Umarpada).


These People’s Organisations have already been set up in 372 villages out of the 783 tribal villages of these seven talukas and they are already at work to solve local problems. These associations have 18,788 members out of whom approximately 50% are women. Their contributions have created a Fund of Rs.1,400,000.



Aims of the People’s Organisations


The aim is to see that the tribal society is empowered, develops a sense of its own identity, achieves a degree of self-management, protects natural resources, becomes financially autonomous, and thus creates a new and just society.


To achieve the above-mentioned long-term goals, the following immediate steps are proposed:


1.                  Preservation of the Tribal Society and its Identity


Tribal people must take pride in their own society, must develop a sense of solidarity to set up a secular and non-partisan pressure group that may encourage traditional tribal ways of life, revive traditional tribal forms of justice, and provide development-oriented education to tribal people. At the same time care must be taken to detect, expose and counteract those forces that want to divide the tribals.


2.                  Local Self-Government


The People’s Organisation of each village raises the social and political awareness of the villagers. It makes them aware of their joint responsibility to have an effective local administration. The POs acquaint villagers with the provisions of the Panchayati Raj Act. This joint responsibility can best be carried out by making sure that the local assembly (gram sabha) is convoked and makes the local administrators accountable to it.


3.                  Control over Natural Resources


There are plenty of natural resources in this area. They are not properly administered and conserved. It is necessary to use them keeping the eco-system in mind. They must not be squandered but preserved for the benefit of future generations. To achieve this goal, the tribal society must develop an ecological awareness that may empower its people to control natural resources.


4.                  Preservation of Human Rights, Justice and Equality Between the Sexes


Tribal people must know the provisions made by law to preserve human rights and thus develop a greater awareness and sensibility towards human rights. More specifically, the rights of women must be upheld with the help of lawyers and the tribal elders. If necessary, offenders must be taken to court.


5.                  Economic Self-Sufficiency


To achieve economic self-sufficiency, on the one hand it is necessary to control and use the existing natural resources better; and on the other, it is necessary to abolish unfair trade practices, as well as social evils that squander limited family resources. At the same time, it is necessary to develop saving habits, setting up credit cooperative societies if necessary. Our Association should help government to bring about appropriate legislations.


6.                  Create a Demand System


Central and State governments have set up schemes and projects to help marginalised people. They often remain on paper. Our Association must ensure that such schemes reach those for whom they are meant. This will often imply fighting corruption in all its forms, such as taking bribes and indulging in other unlawful practices. Our Association should see to it that the benefits of government reach out to the poorest.


This is a high aim that will demand the whole-hearted cooperation of the tribal community.


What is a People’s Organisation? Who can join it?


It is a local organisation of the tribal society. It is run by, for, and with the Adivasis. Any adult tribal who loves and wishes his/her tribal society well may join a People’s Organisation.


The life membership fee is Rs.101.


Why this Fee? There is need for money to run these organisations. Fees, donations, and other contributions provide the financial resources. People are proud to see that they themselves provide for the maintenance of their own organisations – and thus, make sure that they maintain their freedom and independence.


                                                      JAI ADIVASI! 


      We are proud to be Adivasis and Indians.