Site visit Report by Anil Sharma: Chetana

Place: Slum near Kurukshetra University Campus, Haryana.
Details: Available here
Status: Being Funded since 1999.
Date of visit: March 11th 2002
Area: A colony where sweepers and service employees of Kurukshetra University and maid servants of the residential quarters.
Organisation: Chetana
Basic project: One hundred fifty children who stay in the area and go to the three government schools in Kurukshetra university are provided a tutorial center, homework help and guidance in self development (maintaining cleanliness of the center and self-cleanliness). Timings: 8am -1pm and 2pm - 4pm (all days, except sundays and holidays).


I reached Kurukshetra in the morning of 10th march and went to Dr. Sharda kumari's house. She was not present so I left a note with a number where she could reach me. We got in touch later in the evening and decided to meet at the centre at 2pm the next monday. The next day along with Indra Handa we reached the centre around 2pm.

I was shown around the centre at first. In the three rooms, there was a lady teacher in one room with six children (2 boys in 8th class, 2 girls in 5th and 2 boys in 3th class), in the other room there was about 26 children (1-5) and in the last room there were about 10 children from 9-10th class. We went into the first class and the children were made to recite poems(on telephone, computer, patriotic songs etc) by Sharada Kumari. During the course of the visit a lot of children started coming in. She left to get more children. When she was away I spoke to the teacher. She came back with a boy from 10th class. He recited a speech on "mazhab" (dharm). Another boy in the class recited a speech "abortion". We went to the next classroom. Some children recited poems (kids poems from the texts etc. ) and I spoke to the children. Then I went to see the plot that Chetana has bought and want to build two rooms and one bathroom. One room will be a library and some playing space. The second room will be used as a class room.Then we went to Mrs. Handa's house. We had discussions with Mr Handa as well. After that Mrs. Handa dropped me off at a place nearby. I left for Delhi soon after.

In the class room

Ms. Sharda told me that lot of children have not come because of exam-time. She then took me into one class room and told me to talk to the children. Before I could speak she asked a kid if he remembered the poem..without really answering the question the kid recited the poem in one breadth. Then she asked another child who recited the poem on telephone. After this she went to look for a student who knew the computer poem. The class strength was increasing as well.

In this while I asked a child what would you like to say. He said a poem and recited it well. Ms. Sharda bought another child into the room who recited a computer poem. Like this many children on prodding recited poem after poem

In the middle interrupted and inquired if the kids would say something else. Ms. Sharda asked if anyone could say on speech. A kid from 7th class got up and said he knew a speech on "abortion". He started saying the speech--Abortion is a anti-social activity. He repeated this line and forgot what to say next. After a little while I asked him to sit down. Ms. Sharda admonished him as well. A child from 9th class then recited a speech on Mazjab(dharm-religion) and spoke for about 7 minutes-all in all in one breadth. I asked him if he knew any religious conflict in the country happening right now ? He tried unsuccessfully, and Ms. Sharda hinted at Godhra. In the end we just let the child be.

I asked the children if they felt that the education they are getting is useful for them. One child said yes, I could become a doctor. I asked him what if that does not happen..then Dr. Indra Handa said that almost all children wanted to become a doctor.

Then I went to the next class room, where children from class 1- 5 where sitting. Here Dr. Indra Handa was sitting with me. I asked her if I could talk to children myself. She agreed. I asked a child his name, he got up and asked me if he could recite a poem. I did not want to disappoint him. He recited a long poem. I asked the children if they knew things other than poems..a lot of hands went up and the children where enthusiastic. Before I could reach out to someone, children themselves took turns and recited poems again. In the half an hour that I was there almost all the children recited a poem.

I asked the children that while they were adept at reciting poems in the book or taught at the centre but did they ever try to write a poem themselves ? After some silence..Ms. Handa urged them to do that as well. I asked a girl who had recited three poems, if she had tried to write a poem. The answer was no. I said that next time when I come next time I would like to listen to your own poems.


Discussions With Teachers : (2 ladies from the area and 1 male from outside).

One teacher was a graduate and has been teaching the students for the last three years. She lives in the slum-basti itself. I asked her what was the most important issue with regard to the children here ? She replied, that they were weak in mathematics. She helps with class 6th, 7th, and 8th. She works from 8am to 4pm here. She gets paid Rs 1000.

Second teacher had passed 10th class and she has been teaching here for the last three years. She also lives in the slum-basti. She looks after classes from 1-5. She gets paid Rs 500. I asked her what was the most important issue with regard to the children here ? She said that parental guidance at home was not available to the student. Hence we have to work hard.

The male teacher is an astrologer by profession. In the evening, 4-6pm, he comes and teaches the students who are in 9th and 10th. He gave me his visiting card. I could not talk to him much.

Discussions With Ms. Handa and Ms Sharada :

Ms. Sharda told me that this project has been running for about 10 years. I started this in 1990. She did not feel like attending kitty parties and such, but wanted to do some social activities. In the beginning they had rented the building. She (has not) does not teach at the centre but does regular checks on it. Her Ph.D. student also checks and help out in the centre on a regular basis. The student is paid as well. She also said that communication has been established with the teachers of the government school and inquiries are made to ascertain the attendance and performance of the children.

Ms. Sharda asked me how the performance of the children was ? I said that children were saying a lot of things from memory. I said that this was not the best way to learn. Ms. Sharda in defense said, that aim of committing to memory is that if they have 10 things committed to memory then at least one or two will be retained. I did not discuss this topic further.



The children's parents are mainly class 4 employees. Hence poor. They cannot afford any tuition. The centre provides them with a reasonable option as nothing else is available.

All children go to government school. The centre provides a nice environment the children to study that differs vastly from the school environment and home. They can leaf through the library books etc. It also proves a pleasant place for them to spend sometime.

Ms. Sharada had shown me lot of photos which seem to encourage lot of cultural activities amongst the children. The interaction that children have with the outside world will help them.


In my opinion the one issue here is the teaching method carried out at the centre. I feel that when a social Organisation teaches children then it should be expected that at least it is not run like a run of the mill coaching/cramming centre. The children should be made to think. Just memorising will not do and should not be encouraged. Since the emphasise on memorising is directed from the centre we cannot fault the children. The process is ingrained. When Ms. Sharda would point at a child the kid would reel off a poem/speech etc.

My recommendation :

  • Chetana must be asked to think about this issue. Is meomorising important or is it more important to understand something ?
  • I also offered to do a media-workshop that I do at many other centres. In these the children are urged to do things, whatever that comes to their mind. A report is prepared and published in Sacchi-muchi. This suggestion was readily accepted by Ms. Handa and Ms. Sharda.