Logistics : Conference Call on July 7th, 2016 at 9.00pm Attendees : Aparna, Raji , Kavitha , Amrish , and Ravi Minutes : 1. The meeting discussed the Anu and Krishna fellowship progress. It was noted that the progress is reported on Thuir blog and also shared with the chapter periodically. Asha Bangalore supports the resource center at Thulir, and volunteers from Asha Bangalore visit Thulir. The chapter uses the Asha Bangalore site visit reports. Ravi presented the financial proposal for the year or duration April 2016 to March 2017 for Rs.382000. This is an increase of approximately 7% (to accounfor inflation) over the last year's budget of Rs. 356545. The meeting unanimously approved the amount for the proposed duration. 2. The meeting discussed the LTTO (Learn Together Teach Other program) project progress report submitted by KNUC (Khajurdaha Nabankur United Club). It was noted that the progress wa satisfactory but requires to be more self-sufficient. Currently, the local contribution to the program is only 30%. The meeting then reviewed the financial proposal and unanimously approved the requested amount of Rs. 637600 (Jan - Dec 2016). This amount is 70% of the program cost. 3. The meeting discussed REWARD trust program that supports the teachers in government schools in Tamilnadu. The meeting expressed satisfaction over the progress. However, it was noted that program requires to be more self-sufficient. The meeting then reviewed the financial requests/proposal and unanimously approved Rs. 1020000 for June 2016- May 2017.