Project Brief: The objective is to identify as many out of school children as possible in the various poor areas of Calcutta (slums, squatter colonies, etc.) and mainstream them.
Project Type: Community Based Interventions (description)
Primary Focus: to go to formal school (description)

Secondary Focus: other

Area: Urban
Supporting Chapter Contact: Los Angeles
Status: completed - requirements ended
Project Steward: Shouri Chatterjee
Project Partner(s):
Other Contacts:
Project Address: , Lengru Khuli,,Tangra,
Stewarding Chapter: Los Angeles
Dec 2000AthensUSD 500
Dec 1999Los AngelesUSD 6300

Total = $6800

(See organization description below).

Teachers are hired from the local area who design a syllabus with the help of local schools and educators. The objective is to prepare the kids in one year course for a class appropriate to their age. Courses include literacy, math, science. Children range in age from 4-16, most are between the ages of 7 and 10.
The objective is to identify as many out of school children as possible in the various poor areas of Calcutta (slums, squatter colonies, etc.) and mainstream them. Their work is community based, consisting of reaching out to community leaders such as ward councelors and various local leaders. Social workers are sent to parents (usually mothers) to persuade them to send their children to CINI Asha's centers. This involves establishing relationship of trust with children, providing them with a safe and supportive atmosphere, teaching them subject matter to prepare for school at a level appropriate to their age, placing them in schools, mentoring them through school, and also finding them jobs after school.